In the Summer of 2018, I was blessed to be invited to play outside of a downtown church in St. Thomas, ON. This church, which my mother attended was called Destination Church and is very active in the community. They are located in an old bar/strip club on the main street and have a diverse group of people attending. I have always thought highly of Destination and pastor Beth. They asked if I could come down and play outside for a fundraiser they were having to raise enough money for one of their members to get new teeth. God blessed them that day, and not only did they get enough money to buy him new teeth, a dentist that heard about it on the radio came forward and offered to do the proceedure for free. So they had enough money to help someone else get new teeth! God is good!
Anyway, it was a wonderful opportunity to have a place to do my street ministry in a different city. It was a very warm day, and I ended up breaking 5 of my 12 strings on my guitar in one set. Apparently sunshine and vigorous worship is hard on strings. Good thing I had a 12 string and not a 6 string. :) I was blessed with the people we met, and the wonderful events of the day. Praise the Lord!