What's New at Friend of Jesus?

2018 Highlights

Kev Nancy Wedding2018 didn't go quite as planned with my street ministry. I heard a joke.. Q: How do you make God laugh?  A: Make a plan

Now, that doesn't mean I've been bored in any way. The Lord has given me several ministries, that are a little closer to home. In March, I was married to my Jesus Freak wife, Nancy. We have been in ministry partnership for a few years now, and we decided that God put us together, first as friends and now as husband and wife. Our beautiful outdoor/winter wedding was celebrated by close friends and family in our backyard.

BrandonIn July, my 32 year old son, Brandon, answering a call from the Lord, moved here from 6 hours away, and moved in with Nancy and I. The Lord has been radically changing his life, and we are so thankful to be included and part of it. Brandon is serving the Lord daily and serving the church in both Youth Leadership and A/V production.

Throughout the summer months, I had an incredibly artistic construction crew here, building my recording studio. This studio is intended to be used however God chooses. There are no business plans, there are no ideas of income, it's just a creative space where His presence is evident. We do hope to start weekly Bible studies there soon, and it's quite possible it will be a place to have people sleep when visiting or here for respite.Glory Studio

I will be holding some worshops/seminars there for groups of 5 to 10 people, but will continue to teach my individual guitar lessons in the studio I rent at Guitar Nuts Music Shop in Bancroft.  This new studio (once an old garage) has been aptly named "Glory Studios". It's was blessings from God that made this a reality, and we praise Him daily for it!

Then, in October, my mother, Vera had to move in with us and give up her apartment, also 6 hours away. She has been in poor health this past year and the doctors felt she could no longer live alone, so we happily brought her into our home. It has already been wonderful having three generations in one house, and again, I praise the Lord that He sent me Nancy as a partner. 

Musically, I have continued to be one of the Worship Leaders at Bancroft Pentecostal and am happy to be able to lead others into a deep worship to our Lord and Savior. I am also fortunate to have many other talented musicians on both teams. Their talents are highlighted by their hearts for God.

I have been guest worship leader at other places this year as well, and hope to put some pics and blurbs up here soon about them. I have no idea if God will resume my street ministry next summer, however I do get a sense that if He chooses to do so, it might be a little less 'production' and a little more 'intimate'. Nancy and I did go out once this summer with just a couple lawn chairs and my 12 string, and we were blessed to have great conversations and meet new people, that we probably wouldn't have, had I had my full set up. I believe He is prompting me to get more 'acoustic' and intimate in several areas of my worship music and guest leading. I continually feel the nudge for 'less'. There's the current recap! Please keep me us in your prayers! Kev