YouVersion Bible App for Kids

This is a great interactive app for Bible stories. I first downloaded it for free a few months ago for Super Kids on Wednesday nights, and it soon became a 'go to' for a simple, yet professional adaptation for younger children. With it on my iPad, I can just beam it up to the larger screen for groups of kids.
It's kind of like a cartoon, come to life with things you can touch that respond, etc. The stories are well done, with voices and simple animation. I know I, like it, and I'm just a big kid. :)
Read more: YouVersion Bible App for Kids
Through the Word App

I stumbled upon this app recently and just love it. It takes you through the whole Bible, sections at a time, with an Audio expanation of what you're reading. It's really cool, and has become part of my daily reading plan of God's Word. These audio productions are very professional and bring clarity to some of the most difficult Bible passages, especially Revelation. I found that section truly enlightening.
Read more: Through the Word App
YouVersion Bible App

I can't say enough fantastic things about this app. I have it on my android phone, ipad and computers. They have great reading plans that take you through the whold Bible, as well as plans for every topic and circumstance you can imagine. Some of the plans include video and all of them include Audio to read the Bible to you, providing your language and desired version is available.
Read more: YouVersion Bible App