I Believe

Welcome to FriendOfJesus.ca

Kevin and Nancy Taylor of friendofJesus.caIf you've come here, you are probably one of the people I've handed a Friend of Jesus card to, or I suppose you could have just happened upon the site, but that's less likely.

Anyway, for whatever reason you're here, we're glad you are, and we believe that you're supposed to be here. 

This site is a personal site for me, Kevin Taylor and my wonderful wife, Nancy. It's a place for us to share. First and foremost, our faith in Jesus Christ, and secondly, some information that we hope will encourage you and help to strengthen your walk with God.

It is our hope to use this site to share ideas, stories, testimonies, links to ministires, videos, music and more.  

This site is also to share about my music ministry, which for several summers included a Street Music Ministry in downtown Bancroft, Ontario. Do to the pandemic, most of my music ministry is done through here, my YouTube channel and Glory Studio's website.

Also, since the start of the pandemic, I have been presented with several opportunities to teach from the pulpit, so to speak, for Harcourt Community Chapel, and you can find some of those messages under the 'Thoughts' section.  

If you have any suggestions or just want to drop one of us a line to chat, please feel free to contact us.  We ask that you keep us and the various ministries God is leading us into, in your prayers. 

Nancy and I want to encourage you to have a personal relationship,a 'friendship' with Jesus. 

Thanks for stopping by, and please check back as we hope to add things regularly as spare time allows.

Kev & Nancy